P.O. Box 6369
Norfolk, VA 23508-0369
Phone: (757) 683-4293
Fax: (757) 683-5290
Business Units within the Research Foundation
The RF Central Operations team manages the internal office functions as well as provides essential services to the University for DivRED. The functional business units are provided below with the directory of contact information for each.
Research Administration
The RF ODU Main and Regional Campus Centers Pre and Post-Award support team (aka the Silver Team) serves as the official institutional signatory for grants, contracts and cooperative agreements, and negotiates and administers agreements on behalf of the University. This unit reviews and authorizes proposal submissions as well. Responsibilities include monitoring institutional compliance with terms and conditions of grants and contracts, as well as compliance with Federal and State regulations, budgeting of expenditures, seeking sponsor approval for revisions to awards and issuance of subcontracts.
As part of Research Administration, this team is responsible for reviewing and executing sponsored research agreements with private industry, including sponsored research agreements, subcontracts, SBIR/STTR agreements, among others.
Silver Team Staff Contact Information:
- For Proposal Assistance: preaward@waki-aiai.net
- For Award Management Assistance: rfawards@waki-aiai.net
The RF Medical Campus Pre and Post-Award support team (aka the Blue Team) serves as the official institutional signatory for grants, contracts and cooperative agreements, and negotiates and administers agreements on behalf of the University. This unit reviews and authorizes proposal submissions as well. Responsibilities include monitoring institutional compliance with terms and conditions of grants and contracts, as well as compliance with Federal and State regulations, budgeting of expenditures, seeking sponsor approval for revisions to awards and issuance of subcontracts.
As part of Research Administration, this team is responsible for reviewing and executing sponsored research agreements with private industry, including sponsored research agreements, subcontracts, SBIR/STTR agreements, among others.
Blue Team Staff Contact Information:
- For Proposal Assistance: RFHSCPreAward@waki-aiai.net
- For Award Management Assistance: RFHSCAwards@waki-aiai.net
The RF Medical Clinical Contract/Administration Support support team (aka the Sky Blue Team) negotiates and administers clinical trial agreements on behalf of the University. As part of Research Administration, the Clinical Contract/Administration Support team is responsible for reviewing and executing clinical trial agreements and subcontracts, among others. The Sky Blue Team also negotiates and executes clinical trial Confidentiality Agreements (CDAs and NDAs) and Material Use Agreements on behalf of ODU.
As part of Clinical Research Administration, this team is also responsible for monitoring institutional compliance with terms and conditions of grants and contracts, as well as compliance with Federal and State regulations, budgeting of expenditures, seeking sponsor approval for revisions to awards and issuance of subcontracts.
Sky Blue Team Staff Contact Information:
- For Clinical Trial Contract/Administration Assistance: RFHSC-Clinical@waki-aiai.net
RF Finance & Administration
The RF Finance & Administration Office services to enhance and promote responsible stewardship of the physical, human, technology, and financial resources of the campus. The Office is comprised of numerous departments, organized into the following areas: RF Purchasing, RF Travel & Reimbursements, RF Reimbursement (including Consultants & Honorariums), RF Purchase Cards (P-Cards), RF Payroll, RF Timesheets, and back office services.
RF Finance & Administrative Staff Contact Information:
- For RF Purchasing Assistance: rfpurchasing@waki-aiai.net
- For RF Travel & Reimbursements: rfreimburse@waki-aiai.net
- For RF Reimbursement (including Consultants & Honorariums)Assistance: rfreimburse@waki-aiai.net
- For RF Purchase Cards (P-Cards) Assistance: rfpcard@waki-aiai.net
- For RF Payroll Assistance: RFpayroll@waki-aiai.net
- For RF Timesheets Assistance: rftimesheets@waki-aiai.net
RF Human Resources
The RF Human Resources (HR) Team is a value-added business partner to ODU. The team is committed to helping to hire personnel working on sponsored programs and manages the full range of employment services, including recruitment, benefits and wellness, compensation, employee relations, and staff development.
RF HR Staff Contact Information:
- For HR Assistance: rfhr@waki-aiai.net